About - Australian Network in Belgium
The logical culmination of two Australian organisations.ABIE Belgium was the Belgian branch of the Australian Business in Europe (ABIE) organisation. The ABIE Belgian Branch was founded in mid 1980’s with the support the Australian Embassy in Belgium. ABIE Belgium was a non political membership based business network association promoting the interests of the members.
The Australia Society was a social group which also existed for many years and run also by volunteers primarily to benefit Australian citizens and their families living in Belgium.
On some occasions (such as the Australia Day BBQ), the committee members and supporters of both organisations participated in each other events. Over the years it became more and more obvious that there were important organisational reasons for both organisations to merge. Neither organisation had up until then, a formal legal structure in which it’s committee members could operate, run and pay for events or collect financial revenue.
The decision was taken by both committees in the summer of 2018 (with the supportive approval of the Australian Embassy in Brussels), to merge both organisations into the officially recognised Belgian non-profit organisation Australian Network in Belgium.
Everyone is welcome to browse our website and discover who we are and what we do. However some of our website information is restricted viewing for logged-in “Friends” and “Members”.
Our Founding Members :
As recorded in the Official Gazette
- Mr. Tematai Carbou (Treasurer)
- Mr. David Demetrius (Previous Chair)
- Mr. Dave Deruytter
- Mr. Serge Fayal
- Mr. Anthony Houghton
- Mr. Rafael Jaron (Chair)
- Mrs. Emma Job (Secretary)
- Mr. Tim Noonan
- Mr. John Pescod (Webmaster)
- Mrs. Barbara Simon
- Mr. Christopher Stone (Previous Chair ABIE Belgium)